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Initial results of the Internet Cognitive Behavior Therapy Program for Public Safety Personnel (PSPNET): Delivered, evaluated, improved, and ready for use (French)

PSPNET was created to deliver and evaluate Internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy, also known as ICBT, to Public Safety Personnel (PSP) in response to the Government of Canada’s National Action Plan on Posttraumatic Stress Injuries.

This French only webinar will take a deep dive into PSPNET and discuss what factors appear to make ICBT effective.

May 5, 2021.

Presented by:

Dre Amélie Fournier est psychologue principale au Québec pour le programme de thérapie cognitive comportementale sur Internet offert au personnel de la sécurité publique (PSPNET), Dre Fournier est associée de recherche clinique à l’Institut canadien de recherche et de traitement en sécurité publique (ICRTSP) à l’Université de Regina et membre de l’Ordre des psychologues du Québec et du Saskatchewan College of Psychologists.

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