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“I don’t think you should be here” – Understanding and overcoming gender disparities in policing

Men and women police officers experience high stress levels due to their occupations. Women police officers in particular experience higher levels of depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, and anxiety when compared to men police officers. Women’s policing experience may vastly differ than their men colleagues.

This talk will discuss information gathered in a study of Saskatchewan Police officers. The study was designed to:

• Examine the reality of men and women police officers through interviews;
• Explore the distinctions and similarities between men and women’s policing experience;
• Understand how gender differences in occupational experiences may be related to police officers’ in mental health.

We will follow the presentation with a panel discussion with current police officers.

November 18, 2020.


Andreanne Angehrn (MA)


Lucie Tremblay
Deputy Chief of Police VIA Rail Canada Police Service
Secretary of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) Human Resources and Learning Committee

Vaughn Charlton
Director, Gender-based Analysis at the RCMP

Micki Ruth
Chair of the Edmonton Police Commission,
President of the Canadian Association of Police Governance

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