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A multi-method study of the factors associated with mental health programming for first responders and other PSP

In 2019, Public Safety Canada released ‘Supporting Canada’s Public Safety Personnel: An Action Plan on Post-Traumatic Stress Injuries’. Part of the Action Plan was building an evidence base to design effective interventions. To help support rapid evidence growth, the Government of Canada invested $40 Million to support new research and improve knowledge transfer. The expanding evidence base would support decision-makers and funders in determining where to invest scarce resources to achieve reliable, sustainable outcomes.

In early 2023, following the recommendation of the Joint Knowledge Sub-Committee (JKSC), the Ontario Ministry of the Solicitor General’s Mental Health Secretariat (MHS) asked the Canadian Institute for Public Safety Research and Treatment (CIPSRT) to assess the state of the evidence and synthesize existing research into a PSP Mental Health Programming Framework. The framework supports decisions regarding the effectiveness of mental health interventions for PSP and their families across their career continuum.

In this webinar, we discuss the growth of the new PSP mental health sector, the methods used to assess the evidence base, and then present the final framework. We end the webinar with a brief discussion on the state of the evidence base and some of the gaps.

October 30, 2023.


Dr. Margaret McKinnon
Homewood Chair in Mental Health and Trauma
McMaster University

Dr. Kathleen McNutt
Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy

Dr. Adam Vaughan
Department of Justice Studies, University of Regina

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