Videos Trauma and PTSI Starting the conversation: Discussing suicide in relation to first responders and other public safety personnel SuicideTrauma and PTSI Internet-delivered Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Public Safety Personnel: Interim outcomes in Saskatchewan and new directions Mental health interventionsPSPNETTrauma and PTSI Public safety personnel perspectives on the opioid crisis Mental healthMoral injuryTrauma and PTSI The role of reintegration programs: An example from the Edmonton Police Service Mental health interventionsOccupational culturesTrauma and PTSI Initial results of the Internet Cognitive Behavior Therapy Program for Public Safety Personnel (PSPNET): Delivered, evaluated, improved, and ready for use (French) In FrenchMental health interventionsPSPNETTrauma and PTSI Moral injury in public safety occupations COVID-19Moral injuryTrauma and PTSI Spotlight on research: The RCMP Study Mental health interventionsTrauma and PTSI Communicating about trauma PSP familiesTrauma and PTSI Finding a way forward: The unexpected feeling of growth that can come after trauma Mental healthTrauma and PTSI Virtual reality supported psychotherapy for public safety personnel Mental health interventionsMoral injuryTrauma and PTSI Managing psychological support within law enforcement organizations – Preliminary results of the RIPTOP project In FrenchTrauma and PTSI Suicide prevention in public safety personnel in Canada: What would that look like and who should be involved? SuicideTrauma and PTSI Police intervention with suicidal individuals: Typologies and suicide by police In FrenchSuicideTrauma and PTSI The weight they carry: Managing the impact of moral injury on first responders and other public safety personnel In FrenchMoral injuryTrauma and PTSI Shifting barriers: Destigmatizing posttraumatic stress injuries among first responders and other public safety personnel Trauma and PTSI Overview of a peer-led caring contact intervention following calls to a crisis line by public safety personnel Mental healthTrauma and PTSI Browse more video topics COVID-19 In French Knowledge mobilization Mental health Mental health interventions Moral injury Most recent Occupational cultures PSP families PSP leadership PSPNET Suicide Trauma and PTSI Keyword search