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Keywords: Critical Incident, Mental Health, Peer Support

Peer support and crisis-focused psychological interventions designed to mitigate post-traumatic stress injuries among public safety and front line healthcare personnel: A systematic review

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Keywords: Mental Disorders, Mental Health

Prevalence of mental ill-health in a cohort of first responders attending the Fort McMurray fire

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Keywords: COVID-19, Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (ICBT)

How Have Public Safety Personnel Seeking Digital Mental Healthcare Been Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic? An Exploratory Mixed Methods Study

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Keywords: Anxiety, Depression, Mental Disorders, Mental Health, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Violence

Workplace violence and psychopathology in paramedics and firefighters: Mediated by posttraumatic cognitions

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Keywords: Hiring, Mental Health, Traumatic events

Fit for public safety: Informing attitudes and practices tied to the hiring of public safety personnel

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Keywords: Occupational Stress, Operational Stress, Organizational Stress, Stress, Stressors

Canadian Public Safety Personnel and occupational stressors: How PSP interpret stressors on duty

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Keywords: Help-seeking, Mental Health, Mental Health Support

Factors that influence the decisions to seek help in a police population

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Keywords: Mental Health, Public Safety Personnel (PSP), Support

Rapid response to COVID-19: Addressing challenges and increasing the mental readiness of public safety personnel

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Keywords: Anxiety, Depression, Mental Disorders, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

A cross-sectional study of the relationship between previous military experience and mental health disorders in currently serving public safety personnel in Canada

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Keywords: Mental Health, Mental Health Support

Understanding needs, breaking down barriers: Examining mental health challenges and well-being of correctional staff in Ontario, Canada

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