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June 1, 2023

June is PTSD Awareness Month!

Keywords: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

PTSD Resources

In Canada it is estimated that up to 2.3% of the population is dealing with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) at any moment. Among public service personnel (PSP), that figure is much higher. Research done through the CIPSRT consortium shows that number may be over 23% for public safety personnel. Research from the ongoing RCMP Study has found that among the many serving RCMP suffering from PTSD, an estimated half are impacted by one or more mental health injuries.

Along with struggling with symptoms of PTSD, PSP may also feel the weight of stigma from their co-workers, organizations, or the public. Lack of understanding of PTSD can lead to the idea that those that struggle with PTSD are weak or unfit for duty. This stigma can stop those who are suffering from seeking help or asking for support. Understanding the reality of symptoms and debunking myths about PTSD can help improve the lives of people who are struggling.

This year for PTSD awareness month CIPSRT wants to get Stigma Out and Understanding In. Together we can show that while PTSD is invisible, it is not invincible.

Join us for our 4th annual Wear Teal Challenge. Last year organizations and individuals from across Canada wore teal to show their support and raise awareness for individuals living with PTSD. We want to make an even greater impact this year – join us!

Post your photos on June 27th and tag CIPSRT using #WearTealChallenge and #StigmaOutUnderstandingIn.




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