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Knowledge for You

Research Summaries

Keywords: COVID-19, Paramedics, Resiliency

Resilience and stress in paramedics before and during COVID-19

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Keywords: Operational Stress, Training

Evaluation of the Before Operational Stress (BOS) program

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Keywords: Public Safety Personnel (PSP), Sleep

Fatigue management for public safety personnel

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Keywords: Peer Support, Reintegration

Reintegration after an operational stress injury

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Keywords: Anxiety, Depression, Mental Health Support, Peer Support, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Role of organizational peer support in mental health after a critical incident

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Keywords: Mental Health, Stress, Suicide

Reflections on Suicidal Behaviours from Correctional Workers

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Keywords: Mental Health Support, Mental Health Training, Posttraumatic Stress Injury (PTSI)

Effectiveness of proactive mental health programs for at-risk workers

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Keywords: Help-seeking, Stigma, Stress

Extinguishing stigma: Stress, social support, and help-seeking in firefighters

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Keywords: Help-seeking, Mental Health, Stigma

“Groupthink” as a barrier to mental health research and service provision in police

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Keywords: Help-seeking, Mental Health, Stigma

Differences in correctional employees’ experiences: Stigma, care-seeking, and mental health knowledge

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