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Knowledge for You

The goal of effective Knowledge Translation/Mobilization (KT/KM) is to make the users of knowledge (individual public safety personnel [PSP], leadership, and policymakers) aware of research findings so that those findings can be used to facilitate change. KT/KM bridges the gap between research and practice, moving from knowledge into action.

At CIPSRT, our goal is to improve the lifetime well-being of PSP, their leadership, and their families. KT/KM at CIPSRT will advance this goal by creating and sharing information, resources, tools, policies, and products, and implementing supports based on evidence-informed best practices. CIPSRT will bring the research conducted in the field of PSP mental health to the audiences best placed to move that knowledge into action.

CIPSRT is excited to share our new KT strategy for 2022-2027. Click on the document below to learn more about the strategy that guides all of CIPSRT’s KT/KM work.

If you want to learn about the research being conducted in the field of PSP mental health, but are concerned about wading through complicated academic language, then the Knowledge for You pages are your best source for new information.

Each of the pages Online Events, Research Summaries, and Policy Briefs offer easy to understand information about the latest research on PSP mental health.

We also offer a range of materials and videos that can be downloaded so that our information can be easily shared.

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