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CIPSRT COVID-19 Readiness Resource Project (CRRP)

The COVID-19 Readiness Resource Project held virtual town halls during the COVID-19 crisis to share information and answer questions about issues related to the pandemic. You can  view recordings of past town halls. 


Wellness Together Canada: Basic Mental Health Care Your Way, When You Want It

Self-Care during Times of Crisis and Change

What the SARS Outbreak Taught us about the Psychological Needs of Healthcare Workers

PSP Leadership & Mental Health: Part 2 – Question and Answer Session

Stress and Emergency Management

How to help your child through the pandemic: What should you know? What should you do?

My parent is a First Responder: How do I feel about that?

PSP Leadership & Mental Health

Coping with the Stress of COVID-19 for Public Safety Personnel

Risk and Resilience to Moral Injury among Public Safety Personnel and Healthcare Providers

Moral Dilemmas and Moral Injury: Confronting Wicked Problems, Tricky Questions, and Tough Decisions

Managing the Pandemic: Promoting the well-being of public safety personnel and their families

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