News & Events
July 19, 2024
Annual Impact Report, 2023-24
It is with great pleasure we present ‘Strength in Unity, 2023-24’, a report highlighting the impacts we have achieved together over the past year.
As a diverse and nationwide network of public safety personnel (PSP) and their families, government and PSP leaders, researchers, clinicians, and staff, and encompassing PSPNET, the Knowledge Exchange Hub, and multiple other initiatives, we know that our unity is our strength, because we see it actioned every day. Our success has been predicated on this collaboration and on a unity of shared focus – that those of whom we ask so much deserve the best understanding, support, and care we have to offer.
As we continue the ongoing conversation on how best to provide this support, we hope you’ll take a moment to share our gratification in reflecting on some of the highlights of the past year.
We only need point to our Public Safety Steering Committee as an example of the power of strength in unity. And as we so often do, we turn to their insights in assessing our impact: “The ability to call out in one, unified, pan-public safety sector voice has amplified the urgency with which the government acts on our ongoing need for support,” they write. “As CIPSRT has grown and evolved, its voice has grown louder, as well.”
Together we can make change, and together we can achieve great things.
So, in this spirit of unity and strength we present this annual impact report to you, our diverse network of interest holders and friends. Most importantly, we present this report, along with our gratitude, to a nationwide community of personnel involved in all manner of public safety – border services, coast guard, national security, corrections, public safety communications, emergency services, fire and rescue, policing and RCMP, Indigenous emergency management, emergency medical services, and search and rescue – those extraordinary individuals who are the reason for all we do.