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July 10, 2024

On Dr. R. Nicholas Carleton

Today marks a new chapter at CIPSRT. Dr. R. Nicholas Carleton, one of CIPSRT’s founders, and its Scientific Director, returns to the Faculty of Arts at the University of Regina to focus on several exciting new applied research advancements. This means that Dr. Carleton has stepped down as CIPSRT’s Scientific Director.

Over the past eight years, Dr. Carleton has worked to support the organization’s growth and advocated for improving the mental health and wellbeing of Canada’s public safety personnel (PSP). We look forward to working with Dr. Carleton in his continued role as a Principal Investigator for CIPHER, co-Investigator for the PSPNET team, and to continued collaboration with CIPSRT!

We are excited for him to continue his research supporting the mental health and wellbeing of Canada’s first responders and other PSP. Please join us in thanking Dr. Carleton for his outstanding service as Scientific Director, and wishing him all the best in his future endeavours!

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